Frontage Laboratories, Inc. Response to COVID-19 (May 2020)
Statement: Frontage Laboratories, Inc. Response to COVID-19 – May 2020
Dear Valued Clients and Partners:
I hope this email finds you and your families doing well and staying safe and healthy during these difficult times. At Frontage, despite some modifications to how we operate, our commitment to our clients remain as strong as ever.
I am extremely proud of the creativity, innovation, flexibility, and compassion displayed by our employees during this crisis and I thought I would share some examples with you.
- 个人防护装备 (PPE) 的需求量很大,尤其是在一线医护人员中,他们每天都在冒着生命危险来帮助他人。 方达很幸运能够通过向我们位于宾夕法尼亚州、新泽西州和俄亥俄州的工厂附近的 11 家医院捐赠 PPE 来帮助我们当地的英雄。 方达的目标是完成超过 100,000 个外科口罩、50,000 个面罩、5,000 个 N95 口罩、4,000 个护目镜和 6,500 件工作服的捐赠。在需要的时候,方达将继续与我们当地的医院建立可持续的社区伙伴关系,并感谢医生、护士和卫生保健工作者在 COVID-19 多变的环境中所做出的所有奉献。
- 我们的重点仍然是我们员工的健康和幸福,他们在这个前所未有的时期将您的需求放在重心和中心。通过实行两班制,我们促进了员工在工作中保持社交距离,同时提供所有必需的 PPE 和其他安全措施,以确保我们员工及其家人的安康。
- Leveraging our corporate Business Continuity Plan and strong IT-resources, we were able to equip large numbers of our employees to work from home, by providing appropriate hardware, software and very robust internet/data security support. Our clients’ data and information security is the highest priority at Frontage, and we spared no effort to ensure its continuity during this period.
- Our scientists have found ingenious ways to conduct lab work and have been working hard to deliver results on time, especially for rush projects that support COVID-19 and cancer patients. Not a single project has been canceled, and we continue to provide high quality and timely data/reports to existing and new clients whose internal resources or external partners were either unavailable, limited or stretched due to this pandemic.
Among several Covid-19-related projects we are supporting are:
- 我们的生物分析和生物制剂团队正在支持开发一种检测试剂盒,旨在检测 COVID-19 病毒和抗体并在 15 分钟内提供结果。
- 我们正在进行的生物分析以支持客户针对 COVID-19 治疗的后期临床计划。
- 我们正在开发和验证用于测定人血浆中氯喹、羟氯喹和阿奇霉素的 3 合 1 LC-MS/MS 方法。这些药物正在评估中作为 COVID-19 的治疗方法。
- 我们正在为多家制药公司和大学提供 PK 和 PD 生物标志物测试,以支持他们与 COVID-19 相关的临床试验。
We continue to expand our offerings by establishing Central lab testing services, highly specialized QWBA (Quantitative Whole-Body Autoradiography) and human clinical C14 ADME capabilities at Exton and Secaucus sites, respectively. Our recently announced Suzhou Tox-DMPK facility planning is also progressing, with the recent signing of key expert personnel who will help lead the design and operation of the vivarium.
At our Ohio Safety/Toxicology site, we have been able to maintain our operations at full capacity and have continued to initiate new studies and report completed studies, as well as recently developing new CSF sampling techniques. We are also pleased to report that ongoing upgrades of our boilers & chillers have been unaffected.
Significant investments in equipment and personnel were made during this period to bring additional capacities and capabilities to our organization. While having to adapt our interviewing and onboarding procedures we have continued to successfully meet our talent acquisition needs. Our HR in Exton has conducted over 40 interviews resulting in hiring and onboarding 18 staff from March 16th to the end of April.
It is often through hard times that have the opportunity to see the resilience and grit of our colleagues and friends. Having witnessed the response of the Frontage family to this crisis, I have more confidence than ever in the strength of my colleagues and their commitment to our clients and partners.
Thank you for your continued support.
Song Li, PhD