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Webinar: Chinese American Chromatography Association (CACA) Webinar by Dr. Kai Wang


Please register for Bioanalysis of Liposome Drugs by LC-MS/MS

When: Jan 30, 2019 12:00 PM EST

Registration link:

Speaker:Kai Wang, Ph.D.

Lab Manager, Bioanalytical Services
Frontage Labboratories, Inc.

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Webinar: Chinese American Chromatography Association (CACA) Webinar by Dr. Kai Wang

Liposomes, used as carriers for drug delivery, are widely applied in pharmaceutical industry due to its unique capabilities such as encapsulating and protecting the therapeutic analytes from degradation, controlling release rate, facilitating on-target delivery and reducing toxicity for drugs. For liposomal drug product development, validated bioanalytical methods to determine encapsulated and free concentration of the active substance in biological samples should be employed. This webinar presents history, introduction, applications and regulatory considerations for liposomal drugs and also discusses the development and validation of LC-MS/MS methods for the quantitation of total (encapsulated plus free), encapsulated and free drug concentrations for liposome drug products.

Key Learning Objectives:
• History, Introduction, Applications & Regulatory Considerations
• Bioanalytical Challenges & Approaches
Who Should Attend:
• Bioanalytical method developers for liposome drug productsAfter registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


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